Puppy Raising: Raise a Puppy, Save a Life

Puppy raisers play a vital role in our team of Ability Dogs, serving as the often unheralded heroes. These dedicated individuals act as the nurturing fairy godparents who initiate our puppies’ transformative journeys towards excellence.

Becoming a puppy raiser is a straightforward process: we match you with a lovable companion based on your availability and preferences. While most puppies are typically introduced to their raisers at the tender age of 8 to 12 weeks, occasionally we have older or shelter pups seeking affection as well.

I.T.D.T covers all expenses related to veterinary care, monthly preventative treatments, training materials, food, and offers an array of classes that accommodate your schedule. Moreover, if you require a pup-sitter for a brief respite, we are at your service with prior notice.

Raisers typically care for their furry companions for a duration of 6 to 12 months. Ideally, we envision a rotation system where pups transition to new homes monthly – a concept we fondly refer to as the “puppy shuffle.”

We are seeking enthusiastic individuals to partake in the puppy shuffle, as a larger community involvement promises a more spirited and engaging experience. This initiative aims to infuse excitement into our program, facilitate diverse interactions for our canine friends, provide necessary breaks for our raising team, and ensure our overarching objectives remain in focus. Let us collaborate to ensure this puppy endeavor becomes a resounding success!

Raiser Responsibilities:

Puppy raisers, time to step up to the paw-some responsibilities and show us your best woofing skills!

  1. Maintaining a clean, groomed puppy including trimming of nails.
  2. Attending weekly class (we have many options in an attempt to fit your schedule)
  3. Taking puppy to required vet appointments, or, contacting ITDT to coordinate how we can assist you getting puppy there.
  4. Taking puppy on at least one vested training outing per week
  5. Checking off the socialization checklist (provided) to the best of your ability
  6. Alerting ITDT if any fearful or other alarming behavior were to occur immediately
  7. Be willing to manage behavior and puppies access around your home to prevent learning unwanted behaviors. We highly encourage management systems in the home including crates, baby gates, and leashes

We have a deep appreciation for Labrador Retrievers, which constitute the primary breed in our program.

Raising a puppy is akin to embarking on a thrilling journey for the youth – a blend of excitement and enlightenment that imparts a plethora of invaluable life lessons. From knowledge to compassion and all the delightful nuances in between, the experience is filled with truly extraordinary moments!

Does this sound like your cup of tea? Drop us a bark at intandemdogtraining@gmail.com!